Supplier list



what formula do i use to find new suppliers in a big list?
I have a spreadsheet with suppliers and qty of goods received for each of
them. I have formula in place to sum the qty of goods received for each
supplier. But I need a way of tracking any new suppliers delivering goods.
Any ideas?
I was thinking a formula and tracking all new suppliers under miscellaneous.
Any ideas?


One way to flag it
Assuming your master list of existing suppliers is in A2 down,
& your big list of all suppliers is in B2 down
In C2: =IF(B2="","",IF(COUNTIF(A:A,B2),"Existing","New"))
Copy C2 down to the last row of data in col B. This flags it as required.
You can then autofilter on col C as desired, and/or make use of col C in your
pivot analysis.
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Just a note about dealing with Supplier Lists.......whenever possible do your
manipulations using their Supplier NUMBER, rather than their NAME, as the
same supplier can have his name on the list in several different spellings,
(which will return different results), but the NUMBER is always the

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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