Tad Marshall
Assuming that you add support for Equation Editor in the "Office 12" release
of OneNote, I hope that you extend this support to it's big brother
MathType, or get them to support you, or whatever it takes.
I've come to rely on MathType (http://www.dessci.com/en/products/mathtype)
for producing mathematical notation in Word, and most people who spend more
than a few hours producing math in Equation Editor will appreciate how much
nicer a full UI is for doing this work. I suspect that if you support
Word's Equation Editor then you are most of the way there already, but I
hope you will work with Design Science to make sure that MathType works well
And if you are going this route, it would be neat to see OneNote 12 just
work well as an OLE container. I can imagine how sweet it could be to have
a functioning Excel spreadsheet tucked into my notes, or even a
mini-PowerPoint slideshow, complete with animation. The ability to link to
these programs externally is nice, but OneNote seems made to be a container
for things like this.
I am a college student right now, and these various digital things are
hurled at us every day ... PDF files, PowerPoint presentations, Word
documents, Excel spreadsheets ... So far, OneNote is just an addition to
this digital pile, a place to stuff written notes, web clippings and virtual
printouts of other documents. It would be fun to try to use it as a
container for a whole course.
Perhaps too ambitious for a 2.0 release, but keep this idea in mind for 3.0.
For 2.0 (OneNote 12) I do hope that you can support MathType and not just
provide a way to type Greek symbols more easily.
of OneNote, I hope that you extend this support to it's big brother
MathType, or get them to support you, or whatever it takes.
I've come to rely on MathType (http://www.dessci.com/en/products/mathtype)
for producing mathematical notation in Word, and most people who spend more
than a few hours producing math in Equation Editor will appreciate how much
nicer a full UI is for doing this work. I suspect that if you support
Word's Equation Editor then you are most of the way there already, but I
hope you will work with Design Science to make sure that MathType works well
And if you are going this route, it would be neat to see OneNote 12 just
work well as an OLE container. I can imagine how sweet it could be to have
a functioning Excel spreadsheet tucked into my notes, or even a
mini-PowerPoint slideshow, complete with animation. The ability to link to
these programs externally is nice, but OneNote seems made to be a container
for things like this.
I am a college student right now, and these various digital things are
hurled at us every day ... PDF files, PowerPoint presentations, Word
documents, Excel spreadsheets ... So far, OneNote is just an addition to
this digital pile, a place to stuff written notes, web clippings and virtual
printouts of other documents. It would be fun to try to use it as a
container for a whole course.
Perhaps too ambitious for a 2.0 release, but keep this idea in mind for 3.0.
For 2.0 (OneNote 12) I do hope that you can support MathType and not just
provide a way to type Greek symbols more easily.