I'm useing Word 97 and my Datasource is in Excel 97. The letter I'm producing is set up in a table. One of the mergefields have the following condition applied to it
{ IF { Mergefield Renewal Prem } > 0 "{ Mergefield Renewal_Prem }" ""
Obviously from the formula, if the mergefiled is less than or equal to "0", I don't want to output the mergefield. This works fine but then I'm left with a blank line in my table. Is there any way to remove/supress the blank line if there is no value in it?
I'm useing Word 97 and my Datasource is in Excel 97. The letter I'm producing is set up in a table. One of the mergefields have the following condition applied to it
{ IF { Mergefield Renewal Prem } > 0 "{ Mergefield Renewal_Prem }" ""
Obviously from the formula, if the mergefiled is less than or equal to "0", I don't want to output the mergefield. This works fine but then I'm left with a blank line in my table. Is there any way to remove/supress the blank line if there is no value in it?