Suppress macro warnings without changing security levels


Bryan Ewert

Your suggestion for "I don't want to be warned about any macros" states:

"To stop displaying macro warnings, change the security level for your
presentation to Low on the Security Level tab."

So, essentially, to avoid being badgered about my security setting, I'm
supposed to turn off security? Thanks, but no.

I would prefer that Word (Office) _respect_ my security settings; there is
no need it continually halt my action to tell me what I already know.
Typically I get this warning when I choose to exit Word without saving; at
that point, what do I care that macros didn't run?

Compare my experience with FireFox, and its "NoScript" extension, when I
visited this page on Firefox simply refused to load the page
because I had disabled the execution of scripts. It didn't _warn_ me that it
was doing what I told it to do - it just did it.

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Margaret Aldis

I may be misunderstanding your problem, but it sounds to me like you need to
set your Security to High not Low - that will not run macros and not warn
you either.

Charles Kenyon

Who suggested that? In response to what question or problem? I don't see any
recent postings by you. If you are responding to a specific post, the way to
do it is to post a reply.

Very few people here would advise setting macro security to low. None that
are knowledgable, IMO.

You can suppress macro security warnings for sources you trust (without
lowering security levels).
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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