suppress scroll bars in custom task pane


Ross Brown

InfoPath's own task panes do not have scroll bars; some have elastic
subfields that take up the slack when the main window is resized. By default
(at least), InfoPath wraps HTML custom task panes in an elastic viewport so
that they always have scroll bars and do not constrict the HTML contents. I
would like to make the HTML container fixed-size, so that elements in the
HTML page can change in width or height as the task pane grows or shrinks -
just as IP's own task panes do.

Any chance of this working?

Brian Teutsch [MSFT]

Sure. Design your task pane to have container tables that are 100% height,
and use other percent sizing within a table to make it grow/shrink with the
task pane. It would be cool to account for TabletPC's, which often have
their task panes docked horizontally. Those mean short height and longer
width. I don't know if you'll be able to do that elegantly like we can with
task panes.


Ross Brown

Yes... while the HTML model doesn't allow for event-driven rearrangement
according to new geometry, I suppose you could structure your content in the
form of a sequence of inline blocks that tumble into new arrangements as the
width of the HTML container changes... rather as Office's floating toolbars
can do. Thanks for the help!

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