Suppress Visibility of Field If Contents = Zero


Sam Elowitch

Is there a way to make a cell display nothing if its contents are equal to,
say, zero?


JE McGimpsey

Sam Elowitch said:
Is there a way to make a cell display nothing if its contents are equal to,
say, zero?


One way:

Format/Cell/Number/Custom General;General;;@

XL's number format has four fields. By default, the first is used for
positive numbers, the second for negative numbers, the third for zero
and the fourth for text. By leaving the third field blank, nothing will
display if the value is zero.


Choose Format/Conditional formatting...

CF1: Value is equal to 0
Format: Font the same color as the background.

Neill Massello

Sam Elowitch said:
Is there a way to make a cell display nothing if its contents are equal to,
say, zero?

Uncheck "Zero values" in the View pane of Excel's Preferences dialog.
This setting is not application-wide but only for the current worksheet.

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