You left out some parentheses. Try this:
FullAddress: [QuotCust] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [CustAddress1] & (Chr(13) +
Chr(10) + [CustAddress2]) & (Chr(13) + Chr(10) + [CustPostCode]) & (" " +
Note that (Chr(13) + Chr(10) + [CustAddress2]) is surrounded by
parentheses. If CustAddress2 is null, the expression within the
parentheses is null because you are using the + sign rather than & as the
concatenation operator (combining things in this way is called
concatenation, in case this is a mystery term). There will not be a
square box because there is no carriage return. Same for PostalCode.
Some values will be part of every record. For instance, if it is a
mailing address it will probably need name, address, city, and state at
the least, so those values don't need to be handled in that way.
Contrast this to what you have done. The first Chr(13) & Chr(10) is
going to occur no matter what, because there is nothing to break the
whole string into smaller elements.
Andreas said:
I use:
FullAddress: [QuotCust] & Chr(13) & Chr(10)+[CustAddress1] & Chr(13) &
Chr(10)+[CustAddress2] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [CustPostCode] & "
But that will replace every null value with a square box instead.
Each box would have a border in that case, which is probably not
One idea is to concatenate the text. If an unbound text box
(txtFullAddress) is in the Detail section, the section's Print event
could be:
Me.txtFullAddress = Me.CustName & vbCrLf & Me.AddrLine1 & _
(vbCrLf + Me.AddrLine2) & (vbCrLf + Me.PCode) & _
Me.City & vbCrLf & Me.Country
vbCrLf is carriage return and line feed (i.e. move down and to the
beginning of the next line). Using the plus sign as the concatenation
operator means that the expression evaluates to Null if any part of it
is null. For instance, if AddrLine2 is null, (vbCrLf + Me.AddrLine2)
is also null, so it is in effect ignored. Same for PCode. The other
fields could be treated the same way, although I assume some of them
will be included in every record; you may not have to allow for the
possibility that there is no AddrLine1. The code above makes that
The concatenation can also occur in a query, except that Chr(13) &
Chr(10) take the place of vbCrLf. In a blank column in query design
FullAddress: Me.CustName & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Me.AddrLine1 & (Chr(13)
+ Chr(10) + Me.AddrLine2) & etc.
By substituting an = sign for FullAddress: the expression can be used
as the control source of an unbound text box. I personally think it's
easier to work with either the query or the code. In any case,
txtFullAddress is set to shrink or grow, as needed, and it has only one
I just discovered that if I remove the box that I drew around this
area, it works. There is no "can shrink" property for the box drawing
so it doesn't let the text shrink. However, I need this box because
this is supposed to be a label. Is there any solution?
Instead of drawing a box around it, why not just set the border to
something other than Transparent?
Tom Lake