Suppressing Alert messages on open


Bob Ptacek

I have an automatic refresh from an imported source. I've set the profile so
the refresh is done when the excel file is opened. But an alert message with
2 selections is presented. One to do the refresh and the other to skip the
refresh. I want the refresh to stay automatic and wonder if there is a way to
suppress the alert and default to always force a refresh from external source?


Hi Bob,
Include this line in the macro:

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

When the procedure ends, Excel automatically resets the DisplatAlerts
property to True.

Source: Excel VBA Programming for Dummies, John Walkenbach

Regards - Dave.

Bob Ptacek

Dave said:
Hi Bob,
Include this line in the macro:

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

When the procedure ends, Excel automatically resets the DisplatAlerts
property to True.

Source: Excel VBA Programming for Dummies, John Walkenbach

Regards - Dave.

Bob Ptacek

Dave thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately the automatic refresh is
not done via a macro I can modify to add the suggested line. It is set in the
data import properties by checking the option to refresh upon open.

Bob Ptacek

Thank you. While this will work on my PC, unfortunately the file is intended
to be shared and is on a share drive that is opened by many. So they all
would need to modify the registry. We have fixed configurations for the
corporation and the only way to solve that here would be to have the PC build
process apply that registry modification across the board. And sadly there is
a better chance for peace in the middle east than getting our configuration
build tweaked for a specific purpose.

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