Suppressing Outline in Presentation Converted to Web Page



On February 19, 2004 I posted a request asking for a way to suppress the Outline in a PPT 2000 presentation which had been "Saved As Web Page". I subsequently discovered that if I modify the FRAME.HTM page as shown below, I can get just about all the control I need. In this snipet (which replaces the original FRAMESET code), I disabled the OUTLINE and placed the NOTES to the left of the visual

<frameset rows="*,25" frameborder=0><frameset cols="0,*" id=PPTHorizAdjust framespacing=2><frame src=outline.htm name=PPTOtl><frameset cols="18.5%,*%" id=PPTVertAdjust framespacing=2 frameborder=
onload="Load()"><frame src=slide0037.htm name=PPTNts><frame src=slide0037.htm name=PPTSld></frameset></frameset><frameset cols="0,*" framespacing=2 frameborder=0><frame src=outline.htm name=PPTOtlNav scrolling=no noresize><frame src=outline.htm name=PPTNav scrolling=no noresize></frameset></frameset>

I know it could be optimized further, but I just haven't done it yet. Anybody see any problems with this

But what I would now like to know is if there is a way through VBA for PPT2000 to place this code in the PPT file so that I need not modify the FRAME.HTM file each time I save a new version. I know VB fairly well, but not VBA, especially for PPT

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