Suppressing the Disable/Enable Macros Message Box Programmatically


Mark Dev


Windows XP, Excel 2002

I have some VBA code which opens specified workbooks and loops through all
code modules, exporting each one.

Problem: When some of the workbooks are opened, I get a message complaining
about missing references. I want to suppress this message and just continue
with exporting the modules.

I have tried using "Application.AutomationSecurity =
msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable", which does the trick, but it also
instantly terminates my code as well. "Application.DisplayAlerts = False"
also does nothing to suppress this message.

Is there a way to programmatically suppress these messages?

Mark D.

Jim Rech

but it also instantly terminates my code as well

That didn't seem right to me but I did a test and you are correct. In the
following code the last line, closing the just opened workbook, does not get

Sub a()
Application.AutomationSecurity = _
Workbooks.Open "book2.xls"
ActiveWorkbook.Close False
End Sub

But here is a way around that using OnTime. Granted you do have to rearrage
your code a little to impliment this:

Sub a()
Application.AutomationSecurity = _
Application.OnTime DateAdd("s", 0, Now), "Continue"
Workbooks.Open "book2.xls"
End Sub

Sub Continue()
ActiveWorkbook.Close False
End Sub

| All,
| Windows XP, Excel 2002
| I have some VBA code which opens specified workbooks and loops through all
| code modules, exporting each one.
| Problem: When some of the workbooks are opened, I get a message
| about missing references. I want to suppress this message and just
| with exporting the modules.
| I have tried using "Application.AutomationSecurity =
| msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable", which does the trick, but it also
| instantly terminates my code as well. "Application.DisplayAlerts = False"
| also does nothing to suppress this message.
| Is there a way to programmatically suppress these messages?
| Thanks,
| Mark D.

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