supress error messages from db




if a value is enterd into a field on a form which is a reqired,unique
indexed field in the underlying table, how can messages from db be supressed
when it is maybe already in ?

I trap these wrong inputs and wrote my own stuff but I would like to handle
such wrong input with custom made messages alltogether so no default message
from db should show up after my handling

could i do this at all and if so how ?


John Vinson


if a value is enterd into a field on a form which is a reqired,unique
indexed field in the underlying table, how can messages from db be supressed
when it is maybe already in ?

I trap these wrong inputs and wrote my own stuff but I would like to handle
such wrong input with custom made messages alltogether so no default message
from db should show up after my handling

could i do this at all and if so how ?

Use the Form's BeforeUpdate event to trap the error before it happens.
If you set the Cancel parameter to True it won't attempt to write the
record, so no error message will be generated.

You say you trap the wrong inputs and wrote my own stuff - could you
share what it is that you wrote? It can probably be adapted to avoid
the error message!

John W. Vinson[MVP]


Hi John.

Thanks for your answer!

Here's what I 've got so far:

Private Sub Kennzeichen_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

Cancel = Not (Me.GetCarRegOK)

If Me.GetCarRegOK = False Then
MsgBox "Please input a valid car registration number!!", _
vbExclamation, "Input or change car registration number"
SetCarRegOK (False)
End If
End Suib

Public Static Sub CheckCarRegOK()
Dim result

If Not IsNull(Me.CarReg) Then
' take out spaces and other unnice stuff
outStr = ErrorChecking.fStringValid(Form__frmCar.CarReg.Value)
' if regnumber already in db
result = ErrorChecking.CheckDoubleRegNr(outStr)
If result > 0 Then
' is it in for current customer
result = ErrorChecking.CheckCarForOwner(outStr,
If result = 1 Then
' yes it is in for current customer
Me.SetCarRegOK (True)
Me.cmdDeleteCar.Enabled = True
SetCheckedKennzeichen (outStr)
result = ErrorChecking.GetNameOfCarOwner(outStr)
' get real owner for carRegNumber
Me.SetCarRegOK (False)
Me.cmdDeleteCar.Enabled = False
MsgBox "Car registration number already exists for customer"
& UCase(result) & " !! ", vbCritical, _
"Car registration number not valid"
End If
Me.SetCarRegOK (True)
Me.cmdDeleteCar.Enabled = True
SetCheckedKennzeichen (outStr)
End If
Me.SetCarRegOK (False)
Me.cmdDeleteCar.Enabled = False
End If

' have to do that visible stuff as otherwiese eventhough the caregnum
entered in
' Form__frmCar.CarReg the details of that car ( work - in subform frmWork
and workdetails assubform of frmWork )
' ar displayed and set the db in kind of shock!! :(

If Me.GetNewEntryClicked = True Then
Form__frmWork.Visible = True
Me.SetNewEntryClicked (False)
End If

If Me.GetDelCarClicked = True Then
Form__frmWork.Visible = True
Me.SetDelCarClicked (False)
End If

End Sub


Public Static Function GetCarRegOK() As Boolean
GetCarRegOK = carRegOK
End Function

Public Sub SetCarRegOK(val As Boolean)
carRegOK = val

If Me.GetNewEntryClicked = True Then
Form__frmWork.Visible = True
ElseIf Me.GetDelCarClicked = True Then
Form__frmWork.Visible = True
Form__frmWork.Visible = val
End If

End Sub


It's probably a bit .... :-| .. ?




I think my problem doesn't result from code I posted ... (before update) I
assume the error messages come from either the after update or lost focus
event ....

I have to go through it ... step by step !!!

I am new to this access coding ... so I think I had (or still have) some
problems in getting these events right!!! :(


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