Supress Record in QUERY


Warren Phillips


I am looking for a way to do the following. I have a QUERY with data that
looks like the following:

Employee Salary Reimbursement Code
1229 500.00
1229 50.00 NT

For this employee (#1229), I want to ONLY keep the record that contains
(CODE = NT). The other record (Salary of 500.00) can drop out of the QUERY.

The key here is that I have a list of Employee numbers that will fall into

If Employee Number = X
Code = NT

Display the record in the QUERY.

If Employee Number = X
Code <> NT
Then....."Supress" the record from showing in the QUERY

Any ideas


Warren Phillips

If any record has NT in the adjustment code field...I want to keep it in the

kingston via

Is there a reason you cannot add the criteria "NT" to the field Code in the
query? I must not be understanding your problem correctly.

Warren Phillips is becuase there are all kinds of other records that need to be
displayed.....Of the records that have "NT" in the CODE field (and only for a
certain subset of Employee numbers)....I need the logic describerd below to
kick in....Thanks

John Spencer

IF the list is short you could use

WHERE (Employee In (1229,1258,3999) and Code = "NT") OR Employee Not In

If the list is long and you have it in a table then you could use logic like

WHERE (Employee in (SELECT ID From TableHideThese) AND Code = "NT") OR
Employee In (SELECT T.ID
FROM MainTable LEFT JOIN TableHideThese
as T
ON MainTable.Employee = T.Employee
WHERE T.Employee is Null)

Warren Phillips


Thank you

It is a short list.....where would I put this CODE within the QUERY to get
it to work????

WHERE (Employee In (1229,1258,3999) and Code = "NT") OR Employee Not In

John Spencer

Assuming you are using the query grid

Field: Employee
Criteria (Line 1): In (1229,1258,3999)
Criteria (Line 2): Not In (1229,1258,3999)

Field: Code
Criteria (Line 1): "NT"
Criteria (Line 2): <<Leave this blank>>

Warren Phillips said:

Thank you

It is a short list.....where would I put this CODE within the QUERY to get
it to work????

WHERE (Employee In (1229,1258,3999) and Code = "NT") OR Employee Not In

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