Supressing warning about too many data points in a chart series.


Kevin Burton

I have a line that I have converted from VBA to C# that looks like:

ws.Shapes.AddChart(Excel.XlChartType.xlLine, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing).Select(false);

The problem with this line is that I get a message box warning me that if
there are more than 32,000 data points in the series I will have to make more
than one series. At this point I am just trying to add a blank chart. The VBA
code looks like:


but it doesn't give this warning. As I see it there is nothing in the
AddChart to indicate the number of points involved. That would be later in
SetSourceData. But the error/warning is happening here. Any way I can
suppress this warning. If I simply cliick OK the chart is created just fine.
I just want this warning message to go away.

Thank you.


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