I've been living with a problem in the address mail merge component of mail
merge which has become burdensome and I want to "fix" it:
the blank lines in an address don't automatically surpress when I run a mail
merge. I've set up a "master mail merge document" that contains several If
Then Else statement that when merged tell Word to merge another doucment
based on one of the fields in my data source (i.e: If Mergefield code = A
INCLUDETEXT c:\general letter.doc). When I run the merge from the
"sub-documents" the addresses are surpressed but when I run it from the
Master using the If then else statements, it does not. Is this a known bug?
merge which has become burdensome and I want to "fix" it:
the blank lines in an address don't automatically surpress when I run a mail
merge. I've set up a "master mail merge document" that contains several If
Then Else statement that when merged tell Word to merge another doucment
based on one of the fields in my data source (i.e: If Mergefield code = A
INCLUDETEXT c:\general letter.doc). When I run the merge from the
"sub-documents" the addresses are surpressed but when I run it from the
Master using the If then else statements, it does not. Is this a known bug?