We recently held annual Board elections, and added these questions to our
ballots. The results were extremely helpful.
Additional information to help us do a better job:
1. How do you feel about being a YOUR_COMMUNITY Homeowner? (circle one)
1 2 3 4 5
Love it Like it Neutral Dislike it Hate it
2. How good a job did the Board of Trustees do last year? (circle one)
1 2 3 4 5
Great job Good job Neutral Poor job Terrible job
3. What suggestions would you offer the Board for doing a better job?
4. Would you be willing to serve as an Alternate Member of the Board this
should a vacancy occur? Yes No
(if Yes, please call NAME at ###-###-####)
5. Do you have a home computer with connection to the internet?
Yes No
6. Would you like to see the NEWSLETTER_NAME newsletter distributed to ALL
residents, if the Homeowners’ Association shared the cost to do so with the
Social Club?
Yes No
I have a spreadsheet we used to tally the results and display graphically,
also, if you need one.