Swap Image and Hyperlink at Same Time



Hi There,

I could really use some help please :|

I have an image that I want to hyperlink to another page. But when someone
hovers over it, I want the image to swap to another image without disrupting
the hyperlink. Can someone please tell me the code to do this?

Also, is there a way to do this in a style sheet instead (so I don't clutter
the source code with too much script)?

Thanks a mil :) :)


Stefan B Rusynko

In FP 2003 look at the swap images behavior in Format Behaviors


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
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| Hi There,
| I could really use some help please :|
| I have an image that I want to hyperlink to another page. But when someone
| hovers over it, I want the image to swap to another image without disrupting
| the hyperlink. Can someone please tell me the code to do this?
| Also, is there a way to do this in a style sheet instead (so I don't clutter
| the source code with too much script)?
| Thanks a mil :) :)
| Michelle

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