Switch between windows when entering merge fields in main document



When adding fields to a Word Merge main document, in order to place a field
in another position, you must close the field window, then reopen it for each
field. This was new to 2003 and is driving me crazy!

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Charles Kenyon

Cindy Meister wrote a UserForm and macros to replace the built-in dialog
with the UserForm that lets you click back and forth. You can find it here:

You'll need to download the sample and transfer the code. I put it into a
separate Merge.dot add-in and have happily used it for almost two years.

You can get information on changing the interface to something you'll like
better, too, at:
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister/MM2002/MM2002.htm. Click on the
link for "Word 2002 Mail merge interface."
Charles Kenyon

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Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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