Switch from Apple Mail, iCal, Addressbook to Entourage 2008?



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

Hi there,

I'm considering to start using entourage 2008 instead of my beloved Apple apps. One reason is that I purchased Office 2008 but the main reason is that I like the idea of having one app instead of three apps for my mail, calendar and contact needs.

I'm testing things out and one problem that I already encountered is that I can't seem to import my iCal calendars using the setup assistant. In that sense it's not going smoothly, but I'm determined to really try things out since entourage is supposed to be a very powerful tool.

I really love the way Apple's apps work together with mobileme and my iphone, and I would like to keep the nearly push technology that it uses before I'm going to switch permanently.

I would like to hear some (positive) experiences of people who use the sync functionality of mobileme in combination with an iphone and Entourage 2008.

I'm tempted to give up on switching to entourage 2008 but perhaps any of you can convince me to take the leap!

Thanks very much in advance!

Diane Ross

I'm testing things out and one problem that I already encountered is that I
can't seem to import my iCal calendars using the setup assistant. In that
sense it's not going smoothly, but I'm determined to really try things out
since entourage is supposed to be a very powerful tool.

Entourage can only see the Entourage calendar in iCal. You will need to move
the events to the Entourage calendar in order to sync.

As far as successful sync stories, I'm afraid that right now, sync is pretty
messed up.


After a bad start, push sync is working flawlessly with mobileme my iPhone and Apple's (separate) apps. Furthermore, has my wife recently started to put her activities in iCal as well, which is a big leap forward in our relationship;-)
So I guess I've made up my mind and stick to my old ways of planning and organizing my digital life, until Apple and Microsoft's software are more streamlined

Thanks for your answer!



Why anyone would want to switch from Apple's apps to the horribly broken
Entourage 2008 is beyond me!

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JR I agree with you. I think if you're happy with the Apple apps stay
with them. Entourage, although more powerful, is a real headache to
keep it running smoothly (as they say in personal relationships this
one is high maintenance). The sync serv issue alone in Entourage is
truly vexxing and there is no time-frame on a fix or if it will even
be fixed. I live on my mobile devices (BLACKBERRY and Palm TX).
Although I've found a workaround and have programmed a sophisticated
workflow in Quickeys to keep it all running smoothly, its still a
hassle. Why should we have to go through this.

For me, I do need the power of Entourage, only based on the kind of
work I do and how I produce docs, reports, analysis etc for my
clients. The Apple apps just don't cut it for me but honestly, if they
do for others or they are already using them and are happy in no way
should they go to Entourage. It'll drive them nuts. And, just one
other thing, I've started to use iWork 08 (primarily Pages) and I like
it. Its simpler and faster than Word. I just have to be careful if
someone requires something I've written for editing that I do it in
Word and not Pages as even though Pages supports the Word format its
not a 1 to 1 if you get my gist.


Thank you all for your useful comments.

I'm staying with Apple's apps and I'll enjoy the rest of Office 2008 without Entourage.


Thank you all for your useful comments.

I'm staying with Apple's apps and I'll enjoy the rest of Office 2008 without Entourage.

Yeah that's the smart thing to do for now. Who knows, eventually
Microsoft may fix Entourage but its not worth it for the bulk of users
to go through what I do to keep it running smoothly (a fairly long
Quickeys workflow to automate the workaround to keep this running
without data corruption - but I can still make a mistake).


 Kerry said:
Actually, I'm a long time Entourage user myself. I started out a Claris
Emailer user, then moved to Outlook Express when Claris Emailer died,
and then later from OE to Entourage as a natural progression. I've tried
Mail off and on through the years, and I used to say the exact same
things about the power and robustness of Entourage as you've said above.
I recently bought an iPhone, though, and thought given the
synchronization problems I should give Mail, iCal, and Address Book a
real genuine try. After a couple weeks so far, I can say for the most
part, I can do most all of the same things with them that I did with
Entourage. There are definitely some areas where Entourage trounces
them, but those are not areas that I consider to be show stoppers. I'm
pleasantly surprised at how easily I've been able to adapt. You might
have a similar experience, were you to take the plunge!

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JR yes I gave the Apple apps a go back in Feb 08 when I got tired of
the Entourage sync issue (so much bizarre behavior) and I hadn't found
my workaround. Although they are fast and very easy to get onto and to
a degree meets the bulk of my needs, there's power in Entourage that
I'm used to using that is beneficial in the creation of my work -
docs, reports, analysis etc. I tend to categorize everything, link
most things at least into a primary or multiple contacts and links
between related items and for stuff that is larger I always create a
project to manage, along with links and categories, this information.
I use my BlackBerry and TX constantly to enter data and look up things
but after sync'g to Entourage I then massage the data as above to help
me in the creation of my work. This is where I found the Apple apps
just didn't cut it for me so I have tended to put up with the nuisance
of the problems in ENT08 even though Microsoft themselves suggested
going to the Apple apps until they get this fixed (they felt what I
and others were having to do was way too painful). Who knows, I might
eventually go back there as I really don't like having to fuss with
software too much to make it run as it should. I don't mind learning
how to use new software and I don't mind the odd little bug as long as
it gets fixed but the whole thing with ENT08 is pretty unacceptable.
Ah well - we shall survive.

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