switch from sidenote to main onenote?



In onenote 2003, you could just maximize a sidenote and get to the full
notebook. I cannot figure out how to do that in onenote 2007. Can someone
please tell me?

Olya Veselova (Microsoft, OneNote team)

Hi Lori,
You can press F11 to get out of minimal UI mode (full page view) which the
Side note window uses.

In OneNote 2003, the UI went into minimal mode only when the window width
was narrow - like in Side Note. This is why maximizing Side Note turned it
into full OneNote UI.
In OneNote 2007, we added a feature that allows you to get minimal UI (Full
Page View) regardless of the window size. This mode can be turned on and off
by clicking F11. Side Note now just takes advantage of this mode.

Hope this helps,

Rainald Taesler

it seems that you missed the question.
Lori had not been not asking on how to enlarge the working space of an
ON Notebook.
She wanted to now how to switch from an open sidenote to ON.
And F11 does only work in ON but has no effect on a sidenote

Not being able to do that has seriously bothered me.
But fortunately Lori has detected that it works with Ctrl+M.

As I may have the ear of a developer:
This is fine if ON is used on desktop computer.
But it's anything but nice for a TabletPC user [siiiigh].

IMO it's one of the very many cases where the needs for tablet users
were not thought over well enough. The endless list of shortcut keys
which do not have any other expression speaks for itself.
It seriously affects the usability on a tablet.
But not only that.
It's a basic principle of GUI design to offer not only *hidden* short
cut keys but make everything *visible* and reachable via the

I fear that - rather late as it is - we won't see too much improvement
in the final version. But would see the urgent need to go carefully
through the menu-system as well as the toolbar options and thoroughly
think on how to make the features at present only accessible through
key-combinations available for pen-usage too.
This should be doable IMO.

Pleas be so kind and discuss this in the team. There is larger number
of most important features which at present are out of reach for pen
and mouse usage.

Thanks for listening. And pls do not mis-understand this as ranting.
It's based on having learnt my lessons in GUI design on the one side
and day-by-day suffering from the shortcomings biting me poor tablet
user ...


Olya Veselova (Microsoft, OneNote team) shared these words of wisdom:

Rainald Taesler

Lori shared these words of wisdom:
Actually I figured out Ctrl+M opened the full notebook. F11 doesn't

Great detection! Thanks a lot!!

I've really been suffering from not being able to easily switch from a
sidenote to a notebook.
Now I know it. And I'm gald for that.
But I'm really sad because it's another "hidden" feature out of reach
for a tablet user :-( :-(

I think that an Icon fro the Toolbar would be needed.

Thanks again

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