Switch Function and Negative Value



I have a list of Variance Percentages that ranges from -35%, to 25%, I
want to assign a Grade to this value using a query and write in the a
Switch Expression.

It Looks like this:


This function will not evaluate any Negative value, thus, all Variance
that is below 0 will have a Grade of B-. Anyone have an idea of how to
fix this problem and force the function to evaluate all values?

Thanks for your time and assistance,


Joe D

The only possibility I see is that your VarianceP values are stored as
decimal fractions (e.g. .35) and your function is looking for integers (you
may be displaying the VarianceP as a percentage, but the underlying value in
the table is a decimal fraction). This would make all negative VarianceP
values fall in the category of < 0 (above the < 5 check) and thus produces
"B-" in all cases. If this is so, consider making the values in the Switch
function decimal fractions as well, or change the stored values to integers.

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