Switchboard and sub-switchboard



I am trying to put a warning switchboard what will lead to the main
switchboard but when I try to rename the buttons and delete buttons it takes
away from the original switchboard created. Is there something I can do
other than create a switchboard with the warning to go to the main
switchboard? what am I doing wrong?

Peter R. Fletcher

The Switchboard created by Access is intended to be driven by the data
in the Table Switchboard Items, which is normally populated by the
Switchboard Wizard. The Switchboard Form is not (by intention) changed
after it is created (the first time the Wizard is run). The appearance
of a given individual switchboard is created by relating the Form's
controls with the commands and labels stored in the Table for that
switchboard. Consequently, any change you may make to the Switchboard
Form design or coding will affect all the switchboards in your
application. This is very useful if you want something that works like
the Access switchboard but has minor visial differences. It sounds,
however, as if you will need to create your "warning switchboard" from
scratch as an unbound Form with the Controls you need on it..

I am trying to put a warning switchboard what will lead to the main
switchboard but when I try to rename the buttons and delete buttons it takes
away from the original switchboard created. Is there something I can do
other than create a switchboard with the warning to go to the main
switchboard? what am I doing wrong?

Please respond to the Newsgroup, so that others may benefit from the exchange.
Peter R. Fletcher


Thank you Peter for letting me know this, but I have another problem. I hate
to be a bother but you lost me when you say "unbound Form with the Controls
you need on it". Could you please elaborate!

Peter R. Fletcher

An unbound Form is a Form which is not associated with a table or
query - i.e. does not display and/or allow editing of data from the
database. Unbound Forms are created by using the "Create Form in
Design View" option from the Forms tab and typically populated with
command buttons or other Controls which link to other Forms, and act
as "do it yourself" switchboards.

Thank you Peter for letting me know this, but I have another problem. I hate
to be a bother but you lost me when you say "unbound Form with the Controls
you need on it". Could you please elaborate!

Please respond to the Newsgroup, so that others may benefit from the exchange.
Peter R. Fletcher

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