Switchboard Button does not work #2



I am having a similar problem in Access 2007. I have hit it twice in
two different databases. In the current database, I have a main
switchboard with 5 secondary switchboards. I used the switchboard
manager to create the switchboard. I have a macro that holds all
macro commands (simple) so in the switchboard it is either "run macro"
or "go to switchboard". On the secondary switchboards, the last
button (no more than 6 buttons) is "Return to Main Switchboard" with
"go to switchboard" and "Main Switchboard" selected from dropdown
menus. Interestingly enough in both databases, the switchboard that
has the problem secondary switchboard is for items that view table
data in edit or read only formats. If I click any button but the
"return" button first, the "return" button will NOT return me to main
switchboard. If I click the "return" button on the menu before any
other button, the "return" works. I have tried deleting and
recreating the option through the switchboard manager and the problem
still exists. I have searched multiple sites and this is the first
that even has mention of it as a problem.
Jane W.

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