switchboard interferes with forms



I finally got all of my tables, queries, forms and reports working the
way I wanted them to, so I used the switchboard manager to create a
switchboard to navigate between the forms. Suddenly, nothing works!

If I open the forms individually, they still work as expected, but if I
navigate to them using the switchboard, all of my queries that populate
the forms seem to come out with no records.

I went back and created my own "switchboard form" and when I use it
instead of the one generated by the switchboard manager, there are no
conflicts. But the fact that this could happen both puzzles and
worries me. I may have worked around the problem, but I haven't really
fixed it because I don't know what caused it in the first place. Any
ideas what might lead to this?


Fred Boer

Dear Redbeard:

I've never worked with the Switchboard Manager, so I can't offer any useful
suggestions as to why it isn't working for you. However, since you have
already discovered that it is easy enough to create your own custom
switchboard form, you might consider sticking with your own switchboard
form, and don't bother with the Switchboard Manager. Many Access developers
don't bother with the Switchboard Manager, since it is easy enough to "roll
you own".

Good Luck!
Fred Boer

Joan Wild

It's possible that you chose to open the forms in Add mode rather than edit
mode in the switchboard manager.

I'd stick with your own switchboard form - it's far more flexible.


Bingo! That was it - every form was being opened in Add mode. When I
switched them to Browse mode, it all went back to normal.

I plan on taking everyone's advice and sticking with my own creation,
but I feel MUCH better knowing what the underlying problem was.


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