Lars Brownies said:
For my apps I've always made my own switchboards. Is there any benefit in
creating a switchboard using the built in switchboard manager? From articles
on the internet I don's see any.
I've always thought the Switchboard Manager was a complex solution to a
simple problem and the only times I have worked with it were when it had
been used to create the switchboard on a database that I inherited, and once
or twice as a demo for my user group. If I was going to be taking over
ongoing maintenance of an inherited database, one of the first things I
usually did was to create my own switchboards with forms and command
buttons. Every time I did, whoever took it over after me had a far easier
time following the logic and figuring out the navigation than if I'd left
the Switchboard Manager file and form-templates.
Larry Linson
Microsoft Office Access MVP