Switchboard Menu Labels



My Switchboard default menu is labeled "Main Menu". Under Main Menu, I have
several sub-menus and additional menu listing under sub-menus. When I click
one of the sub-menus under Main Menu, the sub-menu label is still "Main
Menu". How do I change the label on multiple sub-menus?


My Switchboard default menu is labeled "Main Menu". Under Main Menu, I have
several sub-menus and additional menu listing under sub-menus. When I click
one of the sub-menus under Main Menu, the sub-menu label is still "Main
Menu". How do I change the label on multiple sub-menus?

I assume you mean the Switchboard created by the built-in Access
Switchboard Manager.

Add this code to the existing code in the Switchboard forms Current

If Me.SwitchboardID = 1 Then
Me.Label1.Caption = "Main Menu"
Me.Label2.Caption = "Main Menu"
Elseif Me.SwitchboardID = 2 Then
Me.Label1.Caption = "Forms"
Me.Label2.Caption = "Forms"
ElseIf Me.SwitchboardID = 3 then
Me.Label1.Caption = "Reports"
Me.Label2.Caption = "Reports"
Me.Label1.Caption = "SomeOtherText"
Me.Label2.Caption = "SomeOtherText"
End If



I'm not too familiar w/this area. Do I add this to the bottom or at the
beginning of the codes? When I added this to the bottom and changed the
label captions in the code, all the sub-menus still has MAIN MENU. What am I
doing wrong? Thanks.

Pat Hartman

There is no need for code to do this. either change the names by modifying
the Switchboard Items table or open the wizard and rename them by using the
Edit function.


I opened the Switchboard table in design mode and the names are changed in
the ItemText column. Which wizard I need to open?

Pat Hartman said:
There is no need for code to do this. either change the names by modifying
the Switchboard Items table or open the wizard and rename them by using the
Edit function.

Pat Hartman

The same wizard you used to create the switchboard - Tools/Database
Making changes like this directly in the Switchboard Items table won't cause
a problem as long as you are careful. I rarely open the wizard to make

Roseo said:
I opened the Switchboard table in design mode and the names are changed in
the ItemText column. Which wizard I need to open?

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