Switchboard Title Not Showing Properly



Using Office 2007 and my Access Switchboard is not showing the correct title.
No matter what I put in for the title, the last item on the switchboard
shows up as the title.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Michelle S

I have this problem often in MS Access 2003 and 2007. This is how I fix it:

Open the table "Switchboard Items" or whatever table you use to control the switchboard.

Copy all the data.

Paste it into a new table.

Delete (or rename) the existing "Switchboard Items" table. Rename the new table as "Switchboard Items" or whatever name you had on the previous switchboard table.

Risikio wrote:

Switchboard Title Not Showing Properly

Using Office 2007 and my Access Switchboard is not showing the correct title
No matter what I put in for the title, the last item on the switchboar
shows up as the title

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Previous Posts In This Thread:

Switchboard Title Not Showing Properly
Using Office 2007 and my Access Switchboard is not showing the correct title
No matter what I put in for the title, the last item on the switchboar
shows up as the title

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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