

Jonathan Smith

Is it possible to have more than Eight Items on an Access 2002 Switchboard?

If so, how might one accomplish this?

Thanks for the help.


Go into the code of the form.

Somewhere in there is a constant that is set to eight.
Change it to what you need it to be
then add a couple of text boxes under the ones already on the form obseving
any name conventions used in the exsisting boxes

Ie if the current last box is called 'box8' then call your next one 'box9'

sorry i cant be more specific i haven't used the switchboard for ages
I write my own cos u have a lot more control

Arvin Meyer

Jonathan Smith said:
Is it possible to have more than Eight Items on an Access 2002 Switchboard?

If so, how might one accomplish this?

First there is a constant defined (conNumButtons) as 8. You need to change
that to the number of buttons you want. Then the switchboard uses a trick to
simulate a control array. All the buttons and labels are named with names


Then the code refers to the buttons with the fake array like:

For intOption = 2 To conNumButtons
Me("Option" & intOption).Visible = False

So you must add all your buttons and labels with the next consecutive
numbers and feed the code those numbers. Like:


Be careful, there are lots of transparent buttons that must be accomodated.
It is better to make a few copies of the switchboard form and play around
awhile to get the hang of it. That said, I suggest you find an easier way to
build a menu.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
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