

Eric Starn

I have a Backend Database with several linked frontend databases. I have
created a switchboard for the use of the frontend databases but I am looking
to customize each switchboard for each of the different frontend databases.
The problem is that what I do to one switchboard it does to all of the
sitchboards. Meaning that if I create a button to run a certain query on one
database it appears on the swichboard for all the of databases.

Is there any way around this or is this just how it will be?

Thanks Eric

Keven Denen

I have a Backend Database with several linked frontend databases. I have
created a switchboard for the use of the frontend databases but I am looking
to customize each switchboard for each of the different frontend databases.
The problem is that what I do to one switchboard it does to all of the
sitchboards. Meaning that if I create a button to run a certain query on one
database it appears on the swichboard for all the of databases.

Is there any way around this or is this just how it will be?

Thanks Eric

Are you using Access's built in switchboard manager?

Keven Denen

Eric Starn

Yes the Switchboard table is linked in all of the front end databases.

So you are saying that I need to delete the linked switchboard table and
create one for each of the front end databases. Correct?


Hans Up

Eric said:
I have a Backend Database with several linked frontend databases. I have
created a switchboard for the use of the frontend databases but I am looking
to customize each switchboard for each of the different frontend databases.
The problem is that what I do to one switchboard it does to all of the
sitchboards. Meaning that if I create a button to run a certain query on one
database it appears on the swichboard for all the of databases.

The Switchboard Manager utility works with a table named "Switchboard
Items". In your scenario, I think each front end database should have
its own copy of Switchboard Items. If instead your front end
Switchboard Items are actually links to a single table in the back end
database, that would explain why changes you make to one switchboard
appear in the others also.

Hans Up

Eric said:
Yes the Switchboard table is linked in all of the front end databases.

So you are saying that I need to delete the linked switchboard table and
create one for each of the front end databases. Correct?

I think so. Just to make sure, I will suggest you delete the *link* in
each of the front end databases. Then you can *import* Switchboard
Items from the back end into each of the front ends ... meaning import
the table and its data instead of linking. That way you would have a
head start on creating your customized switchboards in the front end

I suspect that may be what you intended; I wanted to be sure we're on
the same page.

Good luck,

Eric Starn

Sounds good
Thanks for the help


Hans Up said:
I think so. Just to make sure, I will suggest you delete the *link* in
each of the front end databases. Then you can *import* Switchboard
Items from the back end into each of the front ends ... meaning import
the table and its data instead of linking. That way you would have a
head start on creating your customized switchboards in the front end

I suspect that may be what you intended; I wanted to be sure we're on
the same page.

Good luck,

Eric Starn

I seem to have a problem.

I did as you suggested and onw I am getting a prompt that says

"Table 'TempMSysAccessObjects' already exists"

Not sure what the problem is or how to fix it.


Hans Up

Eric said:
I seem to have a problem.

I did as you suggested and onw I am getting a prompt that says

"Table 'TempMSysAccessObjects' already exists"

At what point did you receive that error?
Not sure what the problem is or how to fix it.

I found this knowledge base article from Microsoft:


The article targets a problem during compact and repair. Perhaps the
suggested recovery method will work in your case, too.

However, I've never seen that error and I can't understand how deleting
a link and then importing a table would cause it.

Good luck,


Another soultion would be to build your own. Use a new form and you wont have
to deal with the pesky table that goes with the wizard generated version.


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