


I created a database that has a main switchboard with secondary switchboards.
I tried to create a command that would allow me to return to the previous
switchboard but what it does is close the program. I've done it before, but I
can't remember how I did it. Can someone please help me?

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Ken Sheridan

The steps are as follows:

1. Select Switchboard Manager from the Tools - Database Utilities menu on
the main menu bar.
2. Select the secondary switchboard from the list and click the Edit button.
3. Click the New button in the next dialogue.
4. Enter the text you want for the button.
5. Select Go to Switchboard as the command.
6. Select the name of the switchboard you want to return to.
7. Click the OK button, then close the other dialogues.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

Rick Brandt

Hector said:
Thanks Rick for your response. However, where do I put in

Sorry, I wasn't thinking of a "switchboard" that uses the built in switchboard
manager as I never use them. I use my own forms with command buttons or
link-labels. In those circumstances you use the Click event of the button or
label to run the code.

When using the switchboards that make use of the Switchboard Manager my testing
shows that the command to open a different switchboard (Go To Switchboard) does
what you want. The current switchboard is replaced with the new one.



Ken & Rick thank you both for your assistance. Have a great new year!

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