


Hi there

I am creating Switchboards. The main one is used to go into other
switchboards, but for some reason they do not show up in the "forms"
section-- just the main one does. When I open the main one and go into
another one and try to change the design/layout of it, it changes the
design/layout of the main one and I want each one to be different. How do I
do this properly?


Hi there

I am creating Switchboards. The main one is used to go into other
switchboards, but for some reason they do not show up in the "forms"
section-- just the main one does. When I open the main one and go into
another one and try to change the design/layout of it, it changes the
design/layout of the main one and I want each one to be different. How do I
do this properly?

The built-in access switchboard is really just one form. There is no
2nd or 3rd, etc. form.
While it is possible to customize the different switchboard 'pages'
using code, a better solution would be to create you own
switchboard(s) using unbound forms with command buttons. If you use
the Command Button Wizard when adding the buttons, Access will even
write most of the code for you. You will have more control over the
appearance of the forms, are not limited to 8 buttons, and can
customize each form however you wish. Maintenance will also be much

Pat Hartman

The built in switchboard is a data bound application. when you use the
wizard to create the switchboard pages, the data is stored in the
[Switchboard Items] table. There is only a single Switchboard form so the
form is identical regardless of which page of data it is displaying, much
like any other bound form.


I want the some forms that I created switchboards for to open in "add" mode
and others to open in "edit" mode, how do I do this using the buttons on the
forms that I create instead of the switchboard.


I want the some forms that I created switchboards for to open in "add" mode
and others to open in "edit" mode, how do I do this using the buttons on the
forms that I create instead of the switchboard.

When you add a command to open a form from the built-in switchboard
manager, it offers you the choice to open a form in Add or Edit
(Browse) mode.
If you have already created the switchboard, to manually change the
command from Edit to Add, open the Switchboard Items table.
Change the Command value for that form from 3 to 2.

To open a form in Edit, change the command value from 2 to 3.

Still best to create your own switchboard.
If you do, then the code to open a form in Add mode would be:
DoCmd.OpenForm "FormName", , , , acFormAdd

To open the form in Edit use:
DoCmd.OpenForm "FormName", , , , acFormEdit


Thank-you very much!

fredg said:
When you add a command to open a form from the built-in switchboard
manager, it offers you the choice to open a form in Add or Edit
(Browse) mode.
If you have already created the switchboard, to manually change the
command from Edit to Add, open the Switchboard Items table.
Change the Command value for that form from 3 to 2.

To open a form in Edit, change the command value from 2 to 3.

Still best to create your own switchboard.
If you do, then the code to open a form in Add mode would be:
DoCmd.OpenForm "FormName", , , , acFormAdd

To open the form in Edit use:
DoCmd.OpenForm "FormName", , , , acFormEdit

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