Switching a user between PS & Windows Authentication


Linda Wilson

OK, this may be one for the books... and I think I really blew it... We use
Windows Authentication for all PWA users
1. User Account in PWA listed as domain/windows login was changed to Project
Server Authentication, and at the same time I dropped the domain name portion
of the User Account name for ease of login.
2. Thus, Project Server User Account (employee login) displays in PWA Users
and Groups, but the original Windows login (domain/windows login) does not.
4. In attempting to change back to Windows authentication, the user name
will not take either as the windows login name or original domain/windows
login name
example: 4127 versus PWACORP/4127

Get error message of: The user could not be created.
Check the spelling of the username, verify that a valid domain name was
included, and check that a duplicate domain name was not used.

SQL query results in the original domain/windows login account does not
exist in the project database.... but the Project Server account does

Question? How do I return this user to a windows authentication?
Fortunately, this user has not been assigned to any tasks within any
projects... Is there a way to start over with this person? I don't think so,
as one can only inactivate a user and not delete them, right?

Thanks - now stop laughing.. ():->

Kevin W Flanagan


Laughung with you not at you. Been there and done that.

Since the user has not been assigned, go to the Admin page and clean up
project database link in the Actions Pane on the left. Select the Delete
User option and select the resource name. Hope this helps.


Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Could it be something as simple as you typing the forward slash, as in your
example, rather than the backslash, which is the required format?

Linda Wilson

Nope, the slashes either direction made no difference... but will look into
the clean up database option... thanks...

Rolly Perreaux

Hi Linda,

Comments inline...

OK, this may be one for the books... and I think I really blew it... We use
Windows Authentication for all PWA users
1. User Account in PWA listed as domain/windows login was changed to Project
Server Authentication, and at the same time I dropped the domain name portion
of the User Account name for ease of login.

The domain name is required if installed in a Windows Server 200x domain
or if installed only on a local machine then it would be computername.
For example


2. Thus, Project Server User Account (employee login) displays in PWA Users
and Groups, but the original Windows login (domain/windows login) does not.

I'm sure that it's an error using the slash instead of the backslash

4. In attempting to change back to Windows authentication, the user name
will not take either as the windows login name or original domain/windows
login name
example: 4127 versus PWACORP/4127

Get error message of: The user could not be created.
Check the spelling of the username, verify that a valid domain name was
included, and check that a duplicate domain name was not used.

Is the Project Server a member of the Active Directory domain? Because
all that you are doing when you enter the DomainName\UserName is
pointing Project Server to use the network credentials that the user
logged to the domain. Does this make sense?

SQL query results in the original domain/windows login account does not
exist in the project database.... but the Project Server account does

This would be correct as Project Server Authenticated User accounts are
stored in the Project Server database. There are database entries for
Windows Authenticated User accounts, but based on your current situation
there shouldn't be any listed as you were unable to add Windows
Authenticated User accounts.

Question? How do I return this user to a windows authentication?
Fortunately, this user has not been assigned to any tasks within any
projects... Is there a way to start over with this person? I don't think so,
as one can only inactivate a user and not delete them, right?

Try this out:

1. Log in to PWA as Administrator and go to Admin --> Manage users and
groups --> Users

2. Select the user that you want to change to Windows Authenticated and
click Modify.

3. At the Modify User page, select Windows Authentication.

4. Copy the contents of the Windows User Account box. (This will be the
User Name) and type the Active Directory account name that this User
uses to log on to the network in the following format


5. Type the email address of the User in the E-mail box.

6. In the User Name box, paste the name that was copied from Windows
User Account box previously, OR type a different name. This User Name
will be displayed on the PWA Home Page when the User logs into PWA.

7. Click Save Changes

8. If you receive the following error:

The user could not be created.
Check the spelling of the username, verify that a valid domain
name was included, and check that a duplicate domain name was not

Then there is a typo in the Windows User Account or the PWA server
cannot access the domain controller that stores the Active Directory
User Names.

Good Luck!

Rolly Perreaux, PMP, MCSE
Project Server Trainer/Consultant

TriMagna Corporation
Microsoft Gold Partner

Linda Wilson

Thanks Rolly.... I tried both ways with the slashes... and what you
suggested, and still getting the same error message... so in the interest of
time opted for Kevin's solution of deleting the user (as she has never been
assigned to a project yet)...

Rolly Perreaux

Thanks Rolly.... I tried both ways with the slashes... and what you
suggested, and still getting the same error message... so in the interest of
time opted for Kevin's solution of deleting the user (as she has never been
assigned to a project yet)...

Hi Linda,

Does it work now?
Let us know when you have a chance


Rolly Perreaux, PMP, MCSE
Project Server Trainer/Consultant

TriMagna Corporation
Microsoft Gold Partner

Linda Wilson

Yes Rolly, Kevin's recommended method of deleting the user and reinstating
them worked beautifully... we are lucky this time that the user was not
assigned to any tasks in any projects... that would have been dicey...

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