Switching from Panorama to Access



I run a small mail order business from my home. We have always used
Panorama Direct on a Mac to generate labels, maintain inventory, create
invoices, send bills, etc. I would like to export my data out of Panorama on
my Mac and onto Access onto my PC.
Any experience out there on how to do this and whether Access is the correct
program I should be using for such a purpose?


Thanks for responding Joseph. Not having the Mac near me at the moment, I am
not sure whether the data is technically what you would refer to as "dbase."
Our field consist of names, addresses, products, prices, quantities, etc. If
I am able to set up the appropriate fields that correspond to Panorama in
Access, I would be satisfied to simply export the data from one to the other.
Does your experience with Access tell you that it would suffice for my


Thanks Joseph for your suggestion. I will check into the exporting features
of Panorama to see if I can export in dbase format.
Happy Holidays!

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