Tim Freeman
Does anyone know how to switch how Access 2007 between these two display
modes in code? Obviously I cannot expect my dearly beloved users to go to the
Access options and do it manually. In fact I would rather not!
If TabbedDocument mode is set then a property of UseMDIMode becomes visible
as currentdb.properties("UseMDIMode") = true or false but if it is not there
I do not seem to be able to easily create it.
If you open up Access Options and tick "Tabbed Documents" and then run the
following code:
for i 0 to currentdb.properties.count -1
debug.print currentdb.properties(i).name
next i
You will see UseMDIMode (and a host of other properties). Switch back to
Overlapping Windows and all these disappear.
It appears I could use currentdb.properties.add but this expects an object
and there is no documentation as to what the object is.
I mainly want to do this because Access seems to run faster when switching
between screens when using Tabbed Documents.
Regards Tim Freeman
Does anyone know how to switch how Access 2007 between these two display
modes in code? Obviously I cannot expect my dearly beloved users to go to the
Access options and do it manually. In fact I would rather not!
If TabbedDocument mode is set then a property of UseMDIMode becomes visible
as currentdb.properties("UseMDIMode") = true or false but if it is not there
I do not seem to be able to easily create it.
If you open up Access Options and tick "Tabbed Documents" and then run the
following code:
for i 0 to currentdb.properties.count -1
debug.print currentdb.properties(i).name
next i
You will see UseMDIMode (and a host of other properties). Switch back to
Overlapping Windows and all these disappear.
It appears I could use currentdb.properties.add but this expects an object
and there is no documentation as to what the object is.
I mainly want to do this because Access seems to run faster when switching
between screens when using Tabbed Documents.
Regards Tim Freeman