In Word 2000, I click on Insert, and then Symbol. When I
click on the drop down box to change the font, I'm missing
some of my fonts. I've installed every add-on from my
installation media, and I've updated to SR-3. I used to
have the fonts listed, but since I re-installed Windows
2000, they're gone. If I change the text font of a
document, I can see the fonts just fine, but when I try to
change the symbol font, I don't see them. An example of
one that I'm missing is Monotype Corsiva. Help!!!
click on the drop down box to change the font, I'm missing
some of my fonts. I've installed every add-on from my
installation media, and I've updated to SR-3. I used to
have the fonts listed, but since I re-installed Windows
2000, they're gone. If I change the text font of a
document, I can see the fonts just fine, but when I try to
change the symbol font, I don't see them. An example of
one that I'm missing is Monotype Corsiva. Help!!!