Symbols different in Korean version of Word than American version


David Davila MCSE

We are based in the US. I noticed that while the Korean version of Word has
two separate symbols for degrees celcius and degrees fahrenheit; the North
American version of Word only has a symbol for degree. So, if you wanted to
note degrees celcius, in the Korean version, you would just choose the
degrees celcius symbol. While, in the North American version, you would need
to select the degrees symbol and then type C for celcius. The problem occurs
when a Korean document that has a symbol not recognized by the American
version is opened in the American version. The result is that the American
version replaces unrecognized symbols with outllined boxes. Does anyone have
any recommendations to get around these differences in the two different
symbol sets? ....besides running a find and replace on all the boxes in the
American version of the document. Thanks in advance....

Suzanne S. Barnhill

These are Unicode characters 2103 and 2109; they are available in Arial
Unicode MS and Lucida Sans Unicode, as well as in the Batang (Korean) font.
If you change the font to Batang, are you still unable to see them?

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