As JoAnn says, there are doubtless dingbat fonts that include an anchor. I'm
really rather surprised that there isn't one in Webdings or any of the
Wingdings fonts or even in the Miscellaneous Dingbats character subset of
Arial Unicode MS. If push came to shove, you could use a screen capture
utility to capture the anchor used in Word to show where wrapped graphics
are anchored, insert it inline (not wrapped), and save it as an AutoText
At, the fonts
GE Nautica and Shipbuilding are suggested. There evidently used to be three
Shipbuilding fonts, all of which contained anchors, at modest ($2) cost, but
the cited Web page is no longer available.
GE Nautica, however, appears to be free and is available at,,, and elsewhere.
Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA