Sync Exchange <--> Outlook 2003 <--> Palm (Treo 650)



I mistakenly posted this as a suggestion, not a question...
Here it is in Question format so hopefully it attracts an answer.


Here's a "fun" one; one of a long litany of time zone mishandling in Outlook.

I am in Sydney.
Our Exchange Server is in Hong Kong.
The Exchange Server sets the default time zone for all the appointments I
create on my laptop in Sydney.
I can prove this: When I sync to my Treo 650 I can see in the Calendar the
appointment time zone as "CCT" = Hong Kong/Beijing time.

Now the problem:
We commenced daylight savings in Sydney late October, so we are now -3 hours
from Hong Kong vs. 2 hours offset during winter.

My timezone setting on my PC cater for this (and all time zone and Outlook
time zone settings are aligned for the Sydney time, so no disparity)

The Exchange Server in Hong Kong is NOT catering for this.
When I sync to my Treo the default time zone is still "CCT" BUT Exchange
remains set at a 2-hour gap rather than the 3-hour gap when Sydney is on
daylight savings.

Now when I sync all my appointments I created are moved one hour LATER.
Worse! If I try and fix them in my Treo Calendar they shift on re-syncing to
Outlook (or even worse!!) duplicate themselves with a further offset.

- Before daylight savings an appointment for 1pm local created in Outlook
shows as 11am CCT in my Treo calendar and displays at 1pm.

- After daylight savings an appointment created for 1pm local in Outlook
displays at 11am CCT (WRONG! should be 10am CCT) and displays at 2pm local

How do I get my laptop to override the default timezone for appointments I
create in Outlook 2003?
Can the SysAdmins change Exchange Server to allow a person's "local"
timezone be the default for their appointments?
If I can't resolve by Q1, how do I get our SysAdmins to fix the Exchange
Server time zone table in Hong Kong?

This is on top of the incessant day-long appointment offset screw-ups that
happen as a result of this incorrect 1-hour time-shift.

I welcome answers from Microsoft on the questions posed above, and some sort
of commitment that these issues can and have been addressed in future version
so we can regain complete control of our calendars.


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