Sync problem since SP1 - remote drive "server"



Running 2 XP & 1 Vista PC. No probs with synch except: one among my 1N7
notebooks resides on a USB-to-Router drive (Linksys 350N with Iomega USB
drive). Constant sync problems since SP1 installed: Enter data on Vista PC
into notebook whose home is the shared drive, shortly thereafter get
"...correct the file permissions..." error (nonsense), only effective fix is
close/wait-a-bit/reopen 1N7, whereupon I soon get a "corrupted section" error
which self-corrects (sort of) via backup with banishment of the original to a
rapidly growing "misplaced sections" bin. No issues sharing notebooks
residing on XP or Vista machines - strictly limited to the one which lives on
the shared drive (so far). No issues with other means of accessing
USB/Router drive - applications, MyComputer, etc all get there fine. Not
using sharepoint/exchange etc.

This pretty much pours cold water on my hitherto enthusiastic response to
1N7. Any ideas? No other material changes but MSOffice SP1 install precede
the difficulties. (Immediate action prior to first instance was cut/paste
contact info containing mailto: link from webpage to the offending 1N7 page -
can't see why that should be trouble.) Running Norton internet security,
also routinely updated, longshot consideration as problem source.
Troublesome notebook contains lots of tables, some graphics, many checkboxes
- shouldn't be cause of trouble? Problem persists when all but Vista PC are
shut down (to test "is it a number-of-simultaneous connections" limit imposed
by router).


Done - sent you saved-as versions good/bad & original "corrupted" version.
Will plod through trial-and-error here to attempt to isolate problem. So far
as noted in my email to you the issue seems more & more certainly to be
drive-specific. Thanks a million for your assistance!


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