Sync question



I'm trialling OneNote 2007 but at the moment I only have one working
computer so cannot test the synch capabilities. My trial will expire
before I get a new second PC.

I see from previous posts that Sycnhing is very good and handles most

I have just one question.

If two updates are made to the same 'note container' within a page is
this regarded as a clash (with only the first synch working)? Or does
OneNote make a good guess at merging the two changes? For example, if
a 'note container' has three paragraphs and PC1 updates paragraph 1
and PC2 updates paragraph 3 does ON 2007 handle this or is it regarded
as a clash? If it is treated as a class does ON show you which note
container is the cause of the problem and show the differences between
the two?

By 'note container' I mean the box that is created when you start
typing new text on a page. If you move the cursor elsewhere and start
typing again you get a second 'note container'. If this is not the
correct name what is it?

Ilya Koulchin

JohnGoogle said:
If two updates are made to the same 'note container' within a page is
this regarded as a clash (with only the first synch working)?

The technical term for this is a merge conflict.
Or does
OneNote make a good guess at merging the two changes? For example, if
a 'note container' has three paragraphs and PC1 updates paragraph 1
and PC2 updates paragraph 3 does ON 2007 handle this or is it regarded
as a clash? If it is treated as a class does ON show you which note
container is the cause of the problem and show the differences between
the two?

OneNote will merge changes within the same note container, as long as
they're within different paragraphs (although in some cases, even
changes within the same paragraph can be merged). If you want, you can
test out this behavior by creating a shortcut to a section in one of
your local notebooks, then opening the shortcut. This will allow you to
edit two copies of the same section (as long as you're quick enough to
make both changes before OneNote syncs), and you'll be able to see what
the conflict handling looks like.



Thanks Ilya,

How do you create a shortcut to a section? I created a shortcut to the
<section name>.one file on the desktop then double clicked that. It
didn't open a new OneNote window, instead it just switched sections in
the currently open window.

I did the test that you suggested using two open OneNote windows
(manually opened with Ctrl+M). It worked a treat. Thanks for the tip.



I use ON across 3 computers with a thumb drive. On the very rare occasions
there is a conflict, ON created a separate page highlighting the unmergable
information in red. You can then copy and paste that info into the "original"
page if you want and then delete the separate page.

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