Sync services still not repaired 12.1.3 update



After each update, I always test whether Entourage sync services works
properly with all three modules enabled at the same time. It is still
broken unfortunately. In discussions with Microsoft they have no time-
frame on when this will be fixed nor will they even guarantee that it
will be fixed at some point. It is really annoying.

The only reliable method of sync'g remains having only one module
turned on at a time using the Combine method. This is annoying as to
update another module you have to remember that there have been
changes, change to the other module in Entourage prefs (while turning
off the current module) and combine that module and then sync with
your handhelds, in my case both a Palm TX and a Blackberry. Then you
have to go back and re-enable your most active module, in my case

Diane Ross

First, please keep in mind that these newsgroups are peer-to-peer. There
isn't much we can do. The best way is to send feedback to Microsoft .

When working in Office, you can use the ³Send Feedback² option under the
Help menu in all of the Office applications.


First, please keep in mind that these newsgroups are peer-to-peer. There
isn't much we can do. The best way is to send feedback to Microsoft .

When working in Office, you can use the ³Send Feedback² option under the
Help menu in all of the Office applications.

Diane you've pointed out two things that are important to us Entourage
users as per talking to a MacManager of technical support. One thing
she pointed out to me is Microsoft has nothing to do with this forum
and doesn't monitor which I knew and told her so. Secondly, she said
the way to ensure that the issue is addressed is we need to use the
feedback form that can be accessed through Entourage directly. I told
her I've sent a number of feedbacks, that from various inputs from
sources the MACBU is aware of the problem and has replicated it.
However, my main point of concern is that no one in Microsoft can tell
you whether the problem is being worked or whether it will be even
fixed as such info might tell me it might be time to move on to other
software. She then said she advises anyone if the software isn't
working for a user as they require to migrate to something that does.
For me, that's nice to say and maybe necessary but I've been using
Entourage for I believe over 5 years and prior to that Outlook. I know
it well and really don't want to learn another system and I also can't
find anything that seems as powerful as Entourage.

I would suggest that if we want to make our voices heard at Microsoft
re: any bug issue we use the feedback form directly to the MACBU. The
squeaky grease usually gets the wheel so to speak.

Diane Ross

Kerry said:
However, my main point of concern is that no one in Microsoft can tell
you whether the problem is being worked or whether it will be even
fixed as such info might tell me it might be time to move on to other

This behavior is pretty typical of most software companies. Anytime a
problem involves two different companies like Apple and Microsoft, the
difficulty in know when it's going to be fixed gets more complex. Until
there is an official announcement, Microsoft isn't going to say anything.
She then said she advises anyone if the software isn't
working for a user as they require to migrate to something that does.
For me, that's nice to say and maybe necessary but I've been using
Entourage for I believe over 5 years and prior to that Outlook. I know
it well and really don't want to learn another system and I also can't
find anything that seems as powerful as Entourage.

I believe you are taking my words out of context. Some users come in with
demands that their issues be fixed NOW! This is totally unrealistic. If they
are that unhappy, I suggest they find another application that does meet
their expectations. I've been an Entourage user since it's inception. The
few times I've tried Apple Mail, it pails in comparison. I understand that
everyone is frustrated right now with Sync Services and rightly so. The
problem must be much more complicated than anyone expected or it would be
fixed by now. Entourage now uses Apple's Sync Services. I think in the long
run this will prove to be a good strategy, but as it stands right now, there
is no way to get around the problems Apple is experiencing with Sync
Services. Color the "cloud" dark and stormy. :)


This behavior is pretty typical of most software companies. Anytime a
problem involves two different companies like Apple and Microsoft, the
difficulty in know when it's going to be fixed gets more complex. Until
there is an official announcement, Microsoft isn't going to say anything.

I believe you are taking my words out of context. Some users come in with
demands that their issues be fixed NOW! This is totally unrealistic. If they
are that unhappy, I suggest they find another application that does meet
their expectations. I've been an Entourage user since it's inception. The
few times I've tried Apple Mail, it pails in comparison. I understand that
everyone is frustrated right now with Sync Services and rightly so. The
problem must be much more complicated than anyone expected or it would be
fixed by now. Entourage now uses Apple's Sync Services. I think in the long
run this will prove to be a good strategy, but as it stands right now, there
is no way to get around the problems Apple is experiencing with Sync
Services. Color the "cloud" dark and stormy. :)

No I wasn't taking your words out of context but was rather expressing
what the MacManager told me Saturday re: moving to software which
would better suit my needs (not really what I want to do).

I fully agree with you that the issue must be complex to fix and is
certainly frustrating. As I mentioned I've used Outlook from the day
it came out then switched to Entourage over 5 years ago and so I know
both of these systems really well. I don't want to learn another

I would encourage all users to use the Entourage feedback form
extensively to express the need for a resolution as the MacManager
said this is the only solid method of ensuring the MacBU acts on this.
All people I'm talking to at Microsoft are sending my concerns on to
the unit directly but we've gone 10 months with Ent08 with no sync
serv resolution plus it was faulty when they implemented in 2004 - so
a lot of time to fix it (if they can).

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