"synchronizing" 2 iterations of the same db




One of our software uses the file deault_cat.mdb to store several
information. This db includes about 40 different tables all of which are
pretty much in the same format. This file is the default catalog related to
the software and during the normal usage of the software, one can add it's
own information. In total, all the different tables in the default catalog
can easilly have 100 000lines of data.

Our problem is that the software licenses were installed locally on several
different computers and this same default file has been modified locally. No
we want to switch to a "server" installation where the dafault catalog will
be installed on our server so that when one user creates a custom entry this
entry will be avalaible to every user.

How can we "synchronize" or compare 2 files to have the new entries from the
first files added to the second one? My approach is to compare file #1 with
file #2, then every entry in #2 that can not be found #1 would be
created/added in #1. Then I would repeat by comparing the new #1 with #3,
then #4 and so on.

I must say that files can be 99.5% identical, but lokking manually for
hundreds of lines is painfull.

I must say I am a total newbie in Access. Also, understand that when we
create new entries in the file, it is done through the software, not drectly
in Access. We are quite a small company and our IT department isn't used to
work with Access.

If you think you need more information to resolve my problem, it will be my
pleasure to provide it to you.

Thanks for your help

David W. Fenton

I must say that files can be 99.5% identical, but lokking manually
for hundreds of lines is painfull.

I must say I am a total newbie in Access. Also, understand that
when we create new entries in the file, it is done through the
software, not drectly in Access. We are quite a small company and
our IT department isn't used to work with Access.

If you think you need more information to resolve my problem, it
will be my pleasure to provide it to you.

You need to hire a professional Access developer to do the job for
you. Many developers have done this kind of thing many times and
have code that they can repurpose to compare and synchronize
multiple databases.

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