While in a form adding info to the fields I want to open
a report in such a way that it displays or prints a
form's current record. As it is written below it only
opens a report with no information in any of the fields.
I'm using auto number for the id field
Private Sub Command68_Click()
If Forms![FORMleadsheet].Dirty = True Then Forms!
[FORMleadsheet].Dirty = False
DoCmd.OpenReport "RPTactiveleadsheet",
acViewPreview, , "[Customer ID]=Forms![FORMleadsheet]!
[Customer ID]"
End Sub
a report in such a way that it displays or prints a
form's current record. As it is written below it only
opens a report with no information in any of the fields.
I'm using auto number for the id field
Private Sub Command68_Click()
If Forms![FORMleadsheet].Dirty = True Then Forms!
[FORMleadsheet].Dirty = False
DoCmd.OpenReport "RPTactiveleadsheet",
acViewPreview, , "[Customer ID]=Forms![FORMleadsheet]!
[Customer ID]"
End Sub