Synchronizing mobile phones


manfred klenk


i need help: i try to synchronize my mobile phone (sonyericsson p900) with
entourage 2004, but i don't know how. the user's manual says, it's only
possible wit iSync and iCal.

has somebody of you any ideas to solve this problem?

thanks in advance

Michel Bintener

That's right, most phones only support the iSync-iCal-Address Book
synchronisation. You're not saying which Mac OS version you're using, so I'm
assuming it's pre-OS X 10.4. What you need to do is get an application to
synchronise your data from Entourage with Address Book and iCal, and then
use the regular iSync process to get that data onto your phone. One of these
applications would be PocketMac's GoBetween:

There are others, but that's the first one I could think of.


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