I don't know which reply of mine you are referring to as you have not quoted
it or replied to the thread, however there's a method on my web site for
copying to flash
This adds a date to the filename and saves backups to alternative folders
If Even = (Day(Now) Mod 2) - 1 Then
strFileB = "D:\My Documents\Test\Versions\Odd\" & Format$(Date, "MMM d
") _
& strFileA
strFileB = "D:\My Documents\Test\Versions\Even\" & Format$(Date, "MMM d
") _
& strFileA
End If
If you don't want that complexity, remove the above lines which should give
you something like the following. I have added an input box to enable you to
enter the drive letter of the flash drive as this is likely to change with
the hardware you plug the drive into (you can change the default there from
H to whatever you prefer) . You will need the macro on both the PCs you work
on. I would urge you to always copy from the flash drive to the hard drive
before working on the document.
Sub SaveACopyToFlash()
Dim strFileA As String
Dim strFileB As String
Dim strFlash As String
strFlash = InputBox("Enter Flash Drive Letter", "Flash Drive", "H")
ActiveDocument.Save 'save the original document
strFileA = ActiveDocument.name 'Saved original document name
strFlash = strFlash & ":\" & strFileA 'Flash drive filename
ActiveDocument.Close 'Close the document
On Error GoTo oops 'Error handler for missing flash drive
FileCopy strFileA, strFlash 'Copy source to flash
Documents.Open strFileA
If Err.Number = 61 Then
MsgBox "Disc Full! The partial file created will be deleted",
Kill strFlash 'Remove the partial file
MsgBox "The flash drive is not available", vbExclamation
End If
Documents.Open strFileA
End Sub
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Graham Mayor - Word MVP
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