synchronizing two computers



I was wondering if the following was possible. I have a
desktop and a notebook with outllok XP. I want to be able
to synchronize my calender and all of my email folders in
multiple email accounts in both computers. I want to be
abole to see my updated calender in the moorning when i
get up on me desktop and an updated version on the road.
I can put them both on the same LAN to synchronize, but I
am not sure how to do it. I also do not want to have a
one way transfer, if i add a date to one calender,
regardless of which computer I do it on, to transfer to
the other computer.
Any help would be appreciated.

Oliver Vukovics

michael said:
I was wondering if the following was possible. I have a
desktop and a notebook with outllok XP. I want to be able
to synchronize my calender and all of my email folders in
multiple email accounts in both computers. I want to be
abole to see my updated calender in the moorning when i
get up on me desktop and an updated version on the road.
I can put them both on the same LAN to synchronize, but I
am not sure how to do it. I also do not want to have a
one way transfer, if i add a date to one calender,
regardless of which computer I do it on, to transfer to
the other computer.
Any help would be appreciated.

Hello Michael,

have a look on this site:

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