syncing or backing up a document



My wife is writing a book and I was wondering if there is a quick and easy
way to backup or sync the document when she has finished typing. I would
like to make a backup copy to an external HDD so that I always have an upto
date copy if anything should go wrong

office 2003


I wrote a macro to do just that from the Word toolbar.
I am a total beginner but this is what works for me in Word 2000 (drive F:
happens to be my memory stick)
This saves the current document to both the main drive and my memory stick
(which I use as a backup). I also wrote another macro to save periodically
to a CD (drive D: for me) and timestamp it as well, so that I could roll
back if a document became corrupted at any stage.

Dim strFileA, strFileB
strFileA = ActiveDocument.Name
strFileB = "F:\edit backups\" & strFileA
FileSystem.FileCopy strFileA, strFileB 'overwrite by default
End Sub


I should mention that I have already created a folder on F: called edit
backups. The name of the folder is of course unimportant but whatever name
is used to create the folder must of course be exactly the same in the

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