Syncronize - Remove old Paths from Options



I syncronize my databases from my laptop to my main PC. I recently moved my
files from my main PC to a server. Now when I syncronize, the menu for
syncronization shows the old location of the file first (they are in
alphabetical order) and I have to click the drop-down menu and select the new
location. Is there a way to remove the old locations from the drop-down
menu? It is a minor thing but it would be nice to know how to do that.


RTT said:
I syncronize my databases from my laptop to my main PC. I recently moved
files from my main PC to a server. Now when I syncronize, the menu for
syncronization shows the old location of the file first (they are in
alphabetical order) and I have to click the drop-down menu and select the
location. Is there a way to remove the old locations from the drop-down
menu? It is a minor thing but it would be nice to know how to do that.

a a r o n _ k e m p f

syncronization got removed from Access 2007 (format) so if you want to
do this, you need to move to 'Access Data Projects'

Tony Toews [MVP]

a a r o n _ k e m p f said:
syncronization got removed from Access 2007 (format) so if you want to
do this, you need to move to 'Access Data Projects'

This is utterly false. A2007 still supports replication when using
MDB format. And while ADPs haven't been officially deprecated they
haven't received any significant improvements in several versions of

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
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George Hepworth

How on EARTH did you make the leap from an issue with file locations being
changed (Local PC to a server) to something involving "Access Data Projects"
as a "solution"?

Honestly, I am beginning to be concerned for your health again. I know that
from time to time people get irritated over your irrelevant and
inappropriate posts, but when one like this is so far off the wall, it seems
to suggest that there is a serious disconnect from reality going on. For
your own sake, please take appropriate steps to get yourself together, man.

syncronization got removed from Access 2007 (format) so if you want to
do this, you need to move to 'Access Data Projects'

Pete D.

Try posting this in microsoft.public.access.replication for a better answer.
I only currently have 2007 installed and with this I would have to edit the
sytem table as far as I can see. I remember doing it in older version but
don't remember how. There are some MVP's that watch the replication
newsgroup and are very good with replication.

a a r o n _ k e m p f


you spread utter fucking LIES, bitch.

ADP have received improvements in each of the past 4 versions.
How on earth do you think that you can just utterly lie and get away
with it?

Meanwhile; it's Jet that hasn't had a single improvement- in stability
or performance or maintainability- in the past 15 years.

So take your arguments and look towards your own precious Jet engine.

I'm so sorry that once upon a time, you tried to upsize, and you
didn't have the mental capacity to figure it out.
I'm so sorry that you can take your difficulty and transform this into

ADP is an awesome platform, it has an awesome future.

Maybe you should stop trying to fight it.
SQL Server is the future.
SQL Server is the _NOW_.

Who on earth, do you think that you are-- spreading lies about the
worlds most popular database?

SQL Server rocks.

Again, I'm so fucking sorry that you didn't have the knowledge to
figure out SQL Server upsizing.

That doesn't mean that _EVERYONE_ needs to be stuck with your
_S_H_I_T_T_Y_ database.
That doesn't mean that _EVERYONE_ needs to be stuck with your
_S_H_I_T_T_Y_ database.
That doesn't mean that _EVERYONE_ needs to be stuck with your
_S_H_I_T_T_Y_ database.

MCITP: SQL Server 2005 Database Administrator

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