Syncronizing pocket pc with multiple calanders




I have multiple calenders in my outlook account, is there a way i have
my pocket pc synchronize all of them, but only have the events from the
default calender on my today screen?

Thanks in advance for the help

Dan Irwin

Brian Tillman

I have multiple calenders in my outlook account, is there a way i have
my pocket pc synchronize all of them, but only have the events from
the default calender on my today screen?

No, at least with ActiveSync. ActiveSync only accesses the default
calendar. There may be other sync tools available that will sync multiple
calendars to the single Windows Mobile calendar (I don't think Windows
Mobile supports more than one calendar), in which case you'll see all
events, or there may be programs you can buy that implement other calendars
in Windows Mobile, but ActiveSync won't be able to deal with them.

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