Syntactical Problems (I suppose)




I'm just getting started with Access for a project,
and having some problems conercerning queries:
I prefer hand-coding SQL-statements instead
of using the assistants, so I typed the following
(on the famous Nordwind.mdb):

SELECT Artikel.[Kategorie], Count(Artikel.[Artikel-Nr]) AS n
FROM Artikel
GROUP BY Artikel.[Kategorie];

The problem:
when executing the query, I'm prompted to input
a parameter named "Artikel.Kategorie"....

what's up here? the field Artikel.Kategorie exists
in the table Artikel!

Could somebody help me please??

Thanks for help,

[MVP] S. Clark

As much as you prefer the hand-typing method, it can lead to types. Switch
to the design view of the query (not the 'Assistants'. which I think are the
Wizards), and see if there is anything strange there.


Steve Clark, Access MVP
FMS, Inc.
Professional Solutions Group
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