Syntax error in FROM clause



This is my first post, and my first attempt at this type of programming.
This is from MS Access 2003. I get the following error:

Run-time error '3131':
Syntax error in FROM clause.

Below is the code for the button that I am using. Can anyone see what I
must've overlooked. Any help is appreciated!


Private Sub Command19_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strSQL As String
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("qrySEEKER")
strSQL = "SELECT tbl_MishapDatabase.*" & "FROM tbl_MishapDatabase" & "WHERE
tbl_MishapDatabase.Rank='" & Me.cboRank.Value & "'" & "AND
tbl_MishapDatabase.Duty='" & Me.cboDutyStatus.Value & "'" & "AND
tbl_MishapDatabase.Class='" & Me.cboClass.Value & "'" & "AND
tbl_MishapDatabase.Unit='" & Me.cboUnit.Value & "'" & "AND
tbl_MishapDatabase.InjuryType='" & Me.cboInjuryType.Value & "'"
qdf.SQL = strSQL
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qrySEEKER"
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
Set qdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub


There are no spaces before the Where , And you didn't add any space after the
Join (&)

Try this
strSQL = "SELECT tbl_MishapDatabase.* FROM tbl_MishapDatabase WHERE " & _
"tbl_MishapDatabase.Rank='" & Me.cboRank.Value & "' AND " & _
"tbl_MishapDatabase.Duty='" & Me.cboDutyStatus.Value & "' AND " & _
"tbl_MishapDatabase.Class='" & Me.cboClass.Value & "' AND " & _
"tbl_MishapDatabase.Unit='" & Me.cboUnit.Value & "' AND " & _
"tbl_MishapDatabase.InjuryType='" & Me.cboInjuryType.Value & "'"

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